Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007

Gettin' chavvvy

It might have sounded theoretical in class, but YES, Britain is a class-concious society!
The word "chav" alone is proof enough (is there a German translation"), which means something like a lower-class person, which can be easily recognized by his or her clothes and especially, the language!
After working with socially underpriviledged kids, my friend Estelle (who studies English...) was quite shocked when she heard me say "I am so fed up with THEM kids".
Other examples which sneak into my every day vocabulary...
I am WELL tired (Marie always corrects me - VERY tired)
Oh my daaaays!
brov (or something like that) - brother (any bloke)

I have to be careful not be step into the interview at Oxford saying "Oh my days, I really love them old buildings, brov, they're well nice." ;-) Better not.

Another thing is northern English, which I love!
casssstle - not posh cah-stle
the same with bathhh, not baaahhth
grass not graaahss and so on

u is u not a
but is but , not bat
put the cutlery down sunshine or young man (many u's) always makes my family laugh when I say it with a northern accent.

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