Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008

Niina's collected tips for running

From a beginner for beginners :)

1. Invest in good shoes. I have never owned quality running shoes and used to go running in ballerinas. Now I have invested in a pair of Asics, probably one of the leading brands, and they are amazing. It's a massive difference! It feels like walking on custard!

2. Breathing: one of the most important things. Find a good rhythm. For me, breathing in 3 steps, breathing out 5 steps works best. You won't have to count all the time, your body will get used to it.

3. Most importantly, keep going. At the beginning you will quite often reach the point when you feel like you just don't want to go on any more. But there are some tricks you can use to keep you going:

- listen to supportive, positive music with a strong beat
- try to take your mind off the running. Don't think all the time how far you still have to go. Keep your mind busy with other things. I imagine dance choreographies to the song I'm listening to in my head!
- If you think you can't do it any more, check your body: how are your lungs? Do your legs hurt? How is your heartbeat? Most of the time you will feel that you are actually okay.
- Imagine light flowing through your body. Imagine how it fills your lungs and your heart.
- Think positive. Don't allow thoughts like "I can't go any more" into your head. Think "I can do it"
- My very last resort is to imagine that I have giant wings that carry me. I only do it when I'm near the end if I'm really exhausted, because it works, but not for very long.. ;-)
- Divide the run into section, like from one bridge to another. Don't think about the whole run, just about the section your at. Think, I will try to make it to the next section

4. Don't over-challenge yourself. Build up slowly. If you've never been running, start with 10 minutes. Ten minutes is a lot! Stick to a certain length until you can master it comfortably.

5. Stretch afterwards. Your muscles will be warmed up, you will be amazed how much more flexible you will be. Also, it gives your body time to cool down slowly.

6. Girls, buy a sports bra. No further explanations ;).

That's it! Those of you who wouldn't have expected this kind of post from me, haha, I surprised you!

Montag, 12. Mai 2008

Viva La Diva at the 02

review will follow

Sonntag, 4. Mai 2008

The Sleeping Beauty at the Royal Ballet

Oh bliss! A great Tchaikovsky score, a traditional stage design, very detailed costumes, a fairy tale story and superb dancer - all together make a wonderful ballet evening.

Sleeping beauty is a lovely ballet, the story is light and leaves one in high spirits. The royal ballet stuck to Marius Petipa's well-loved choreography and restored the original stage designs.

Aurora was danced by Alexandra Assanelli, a very likeable principal. She was beautiful, fresh and of course a very good dancer, although she had a few insecure moments (the penchée during the rose adagio), but it didn't matter too much. She balanced well during the Rose Adagio, expect for the very last one which was a bit shaky, but she just gave a big grin and the audience was immediately on her side. She was just a perfect match for the innocent character of Aurora.
Also very remarkable was Yuhui Choe as Princess Florine, the audience seemed to really like her.

One scary moment took place during Act 3 as one of the dancers injured herself during her solo - she limbed of the stage and collapsed off-stage. Everyone seemed to be holding their breaths. I hope she'll recover. Apart from the evening went by smoothly with very quick and impressive setting changes.

My personal highlight was definately the Rose Adagio. The music and the choreography are equally exquiste - watch Alina Cojocaru in a flawless rendition:

The official trailer: