Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008

How to turn a walk home from school into an adventure

I'd like to share a game with you that Marie and I sometimes play on the way home from school. The idea is very simple: She closes her eyes and I lead her home. BUT we don't just walk down the streets, but travel to foreign places, mostly highly dangerous jungles. We encounter elephants (squeezing ourselves through their legs), monkeys dragging at Marie's jacket, deep rivers that we have to cross balancing over a log or a shaking chain bridge and over have to evade obstacles, bending low or jumping out of the way of passing herds.
Marie absolutely indulges in the game, playing her part very well, getting very excited with many Oh's and Ah's.
It is hilarious to watch other people on the streets watching us. Once a group of old ladies excitedly whispered "She has her eyes closed!" when I led Marie three times around a lamppost. Must be quite a strange sight, admittedly...:)

(picture taken in the park on the way to school)

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