Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008

Freaky Tuesday

Another incident from Marie's and my walks home from school. Today we decided to re-enact Freaky Friday, thus changing roles. Practically, that meant that we swapped places on the pavement - I am usually walking next to the road as being near it frightens her. The following conversation (drawing on our daily routines...) developed:

Me (as Marie, with a high-pitched wailing voice): I'm huuungryyy (always her first line)!
Marie: You can eat at home. But then you have to do your maths homework and have a bath...
Me: I am huuuuungryyyy!
Marie: There is nothing I can do about that.
Me: I am tired. I can't walk that fast (holding her hand)!
Marie: Well, an I can't pull you all the way home!
(I put on a sulking face and dropped my head. Dramatic silence.)
Marie: You're not very talkative today (imitating precisely my tone).

At that point we burst out laughing and I quickly changed places with her, as the whole thing was feeling scarily real...

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