Freitag, 7. Dezember 2007

It's been a while...

... since my last post. Here are the updates:

After days of anxiety (Quoting my friend: "She is cracking up. She's gonna have a nervous breakdown..."), Oxford FINALLY sent me an invitation for Interview on tuesday (they are supposed to arrive 7 days in advance and my interview is from sunday till tuesday...)! I am really pleased! So was Jackie, she kept saying how relieved an happy she was (She hadn't asked me about it for a couple of days but said that I had looked so miserable) and immediately started gathering all the resources and tips at her school :D.
I started doing some more reading and after doing some test, I actually feel quite confident. As I heard, Univ really does test potential and not knowledge...

Apart from that, I received my first offer from UCL (a top London uni, 9. in the world), which I really didn't expect because they normally interview candidates as well, but my grades seem to be enough :D. I wouldn't accept this offer, but it makes me feel good.

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