Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Ballet!

A magnificent evening!
I bought the ticket months ago, considering how fast the performances sell out. It was completely full.
I sat at the very left side on level with the stage, basically overlooking the orchestra. I was really really close to the stage (sometimes I could hear the dancers take a breath), but I couldn't see the very left side of the stage.

Firstly, the Royal Opera House has a fantastic atmosphere of grandeur (mostly red and gold in the auditorium) and the buzzing excitement of the people makes it even better - watching as the theatre slowly fills up as people takes their seats, etc)

The performance itself was really good. I have seen the ballet before at the Bavarian State Opera with my favourite dancer Lucia Lacarra in the titel role, so it wasn't so easy to please me ;). I instantly liked the romeo, he just looked perfect for the role. I had to warm to Juliet (Roberta Marquez), but I did! Of course, the costumes and the stage were magnificent.
The choreographie was also different from the John Cranko one in Munich. I love Cranko's version (the bedroom pas de deux!), but I also liked this one. Very emotional, very strong, not at all stiff.
It was also nice to be able to see the orchestra and the sound was superb (Prokofiev's score is simple breathtaking).
The audiance was alright, they cheered and screamed bravo, but just like in Shadowlands, they seem a bit reserved. Considering the high quality of the performance, any German audience would have applauded longer. They didn't even show the corps the ballet, only the leading dancers got curtains! And as soon as the light in the auditorium was switched on, people seemed to takes this as a sign to stop applauding and leave.

Still, it was a fantastic evening, I am definately going to see more ballets. What a priviledge to live in London, really.

(pics: this is not the cast I saw)

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